There are many ways to develop a collaboration and to find your supplier in China
Siam Consulting will carry out a relevant search in total confidentiality, to find your supplier in China and in the countries bordering China, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma.
The first step in supplier sourcing is defining your business needs. This will make it possible to determine the criteria on which your choices are based and to classify them in order:
- Product quality, export standards, instructions for use…
- Offer of prices and conditions Moq, manufacturing time, storage, Dropshipping…
- The delivery times and the responsiveness of the supplier…
Purchasing sourcing is one of the key factors for your supply chain or supply chain success. It is therefore wise to be accompanied by a sourcing company throughout the process.
Establishment of your specifications.
Consultation, research and selection of potential partners. Quality and reliability audit of the suppliers contacted and of their manufactured products.
Siam Consulting is also present through its missions, to check the quality of the products manufactured before their export.
Standard service
The dedicated service is a standard service for series products that do not require design changes.
It is part of “Light” sourcing or light version. It allows you to obtain price offers and their conditions, in a simplified way and possibly the possibility of simply personalizing your product before importing it.
This type of sourcing is free in this version. It fits into a possible procedure for importing standard or series items.
Search for manufacturers
Find supplier or manufacturer in a maximum of 3 companies in China.

Points to follow in standard version
The selling price
The purchase order must indicate the unit price of the article.
“Minimum order quantity” (or minimum order quantity) of product retained for the order by the manufacturer.
The INCOTERM terms of your item order must be part of your negotiation (These terms may influence the selling price per unit)
The conditions of the packaging of your articles must be determined upon submission of your offer. In the case of personalized packaging and if the agreement exists between the manufacturer and yourself, the details of the packaging must be stipulated.
Delivery date
The manufacturer must inform you of the manufacturing and delivery times (as well as the penalties if provided for)

Sourcing for customized products

It is one of the most complete and informative parts of the sourcing on the financial and administrative conditions of your potential future partners. This type of sourcing is subject to a price offer. It fits into a possible procedure for importing personalized items, or manufacturing a product as well as a new design concept for a standard product to be manufactured.
We can audit the capacity of your future partners and the solidity of its production capacities, its manufacturing process and the technical reliability of its units, and before committing a purchase order.
Search for manufacturers
Manufacturers without a maximum of companies, supplemented with financial data, notoriety, conformity and capacity in terms of production, etc.
Attention for personalized products
The selling price
The purchase order must indicate the unit price of the article.
“Minimum order quantity” (or minimum order quantity) of product retained for the order by the manufacturer.
The INCOTERM terms of your item order must be part of your negotiation (These terms may influence the selling price per unit)
The conditions of the packaging of your articles must be determined upon submission of your offer. In the case of personalized packaging and if the agreement exists between the manufacturer and yourself, the details of the packaging must be stipulated.
Delivery date
The manufacturer must inform you of the manufacturing and delivery times (as well as the penalties if provided for)
The company will manufacture a sample which will be subject to approval before the implementation of mass production.
There is a simple method which consists of making a 3D prototype:
In this case Siam negotiates the cost and the conditions of the number of printing and resumption of the design.

An example of an International Purchase Order from a sourcing for a product, here.