Confidentiality clause

Confidentialité / Obligation Prestataire Consultant

We include a confidentiality clause in all of our service contracts.

Article 1 – Object of our missions

The “Client” entrusts the mission of consulting, auditing, and researching, and negotiating in its terms, the Asian-made product(s), technical and specific sounding, to the “Consulting Provider”

The “Consulting Service Provider” undertakes to maintain total confidentiality and non-disclosure of known information.

What is its definition ?

A confidentiality clause or NDA (“non disclosure agreement”) is a contractual provision by which the signatories undertake not to disclose the information that they have exchanged within the framework of their commercial relations.

It commits to the same obligation as the confidentiality clause in the employment contract, that is to say an obligation of confidentiality with regard to all third parties (whether internal or external to the company)

Why a confidentiality clause ?

In a commercial contract, this clause notably allows the signatories to ensure that the information they have respectively communicated remains confidential.

She may be :

Bilateral: This is the case if both partners exchange secret data. Here, the obligation of confidentiality applies to both parties.
Unilateral: This is when only one of the partners communicates sensitive information. So the obligation only applies to one of the parties.

It applies even once the contract has ended (3 years in our case which can be modified)